See this new learning resource in action & learn how easy it is to implement!
Improve student engagement and performance with a better learning experience
Anatomy & Physiology is a foundational learning course that is essential to student success in all allied health programs. Unfortunately, Anatomy & Physiology course educators also commonly experience challenges in achieving desired results of
student engagement, retention, and course completion for a variety of reasons.
NHA’s Anatomy & Physiology is the solution.
I like the variety of exercises/material because it engages the student by keeping it interesting. I appreciate the animations because many students learn visually and it would appeal to their learning styles. Beta User
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What to expect

For educators
Anatomy & Physiology was designed with the busy educator in mind and provides an overall simplified experience from implementation to performance reporting.
- Single sign-on and exportable grades
- Implementation guide
- Answer keys w/rationales for quizzes and practice activities
- Strategies for effective teaching
- Lesson plans
- PowerPoints
- Mapping to accreditation standards and NHA test plans
- Crosswalks to current A&P textbooks to aid with transition
- (7) Section tests with rationales
- (1) Final exam with rationales
For students
Better engagement leads to better retention and higher pass rates. Students stay engaged with varied interactive practice activities that are interwoven alongside module content throughout the product.
- Three-dimensional interactive models that bring concepts to life
- Case studies woven throughout each of the 25 modules
- Embedded audio pronunciations
- End-of-module quizzes
- Flashcards
- Audio glossary
- Practice enrichments such as word anatomy, concept mastery, and module outline
- Multimedia enrichments such as PowerPoint presentations, image bank, animations, and Body Visible labeling
- Simplified access with a single resource

Competency Validation
- 7 end-of-module quizzes
- Practice drills and interactive games
- Learner usage, performance, and seat-time analytics
Product details
NHA’s Anatomy & Physiology includes 25 modules of right-sized content interwoven with interactivity and instant performance feedback.
- Organization of the Human Body
- Chemistry, Matter, and Life
- Cells and Their Functions
- Tissues, Glands, and Membranes
- Disease and Disease-Producing Organisms
- Integumentary System
- Skeletal System
- Muscular System
- The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
- The Brain and Cranial Nerves
- Sensory System
- Endocrine System: Glands and Hormones
- Blood
- The Heart and Heart Disease
- Blood Vessels and Blood Circulation
- Lymphatic System and Lymphoid Tissue
- Immunity
- Respiratory System
- Digestive System
- Metabolism, Nutrition, and Body Temperature
- Urinary System
- Body Fluids
- Male and Female Body Systems
- Development and Birth
- Heredity and Hereditary Diseases
Who can use Anatomy & Physiology?
NHA’s Anatomy & Physiology is designed for students taking an Anatomy & Physiology foundational education course, most commonly taken at the beginning of a variety of allied health programs. Some of the allied health profession programs most commonly using Anatomy & Physiology may include:
- Medical Assistant (CCMA)
- Billing & Coding Specialist (CBCS)
- Pharmacy Technician (CPhT)
Anatomy & Physiology includes 25 modules of chunked content interwoven with interactivity and instant performance feedback.
A sampling of the module structure includes:
- Pretest
- Overview
- Case Study
- Structure, Function, Disease/Disorders, and Treatment
- Case Study Revisited
- Quiz
- Enrichments
- Resources
When creating NHA’s Anatomy & Physiology, we enlisted the help of pilot users to represent our intended audience. This pilot group consisted of 15 members of allied health program decision makers from a variety of CTE and higher education programs. Here’s what they had to say about our product:
“I like the variety of exercises/material because it engages the student by keeping it interesting. I appreciate the animations because many students learn visually and it would appeal to their learning styles.” — Beta User
“With this product it's all in one area, easy to navigate, easy for the school to find what they are looking for. I really like the transition from one area to the other." — Beta User
"Any additional tools
to provide a variety of activities, videos, etc. will be beneficial for retention and completion. The interaction portion is the key in the product."" — Beta User
"Independent learning provide rationale embedded in quizzes
enables student to understand why their response might not be the best choice." — Beta User
"You can hold the students accountable with running reports to know who is completing what. With this information you can make
sure the student is doing what they are supposed to do. And the student will most likely take it more seriously." — Beta User
"Great that the students can "flag" questions they may want to go back to. I also like that
there is explanations for each answer and they are one sentence long (easy read)." — Beta User
"Great that I can log out and when logging back in it starts right where I left off, great feature for busy students.'' —
Beta User
NHA Mobile —
Empowering learner success with study-on-the-go flashcards aligned to your enrolled NHA course.