Want to engage? Here’s how.
The certification boards have each developed a Code of Ethics found below, immediately following the listing of members of the respective board.
If you have an interest in serving on one of the boards, committes, or becoming an NHA SME, please fill out our survey below.
If you have additional questions we invite you to reach out to either Jessica Langley-Loep, Executive Director of Education & Advocacy or Douglas Viehland, Executive Director of Certifications
Want to participate in one of NHA’s engagement boards or SME committees?
Please complete the short survey that will capture your interest and professional details. Once you complete the survey, a member of our team will reach out to provide additional information about your request.
Start SurveyNHA Engagement Board and Committee Members
NHA Certification Governing Board
The NHA Certification Governing Board oversees seven of the eight certifications offered by NHA. A separate board oversees the ExCPT and CPhT certification program. The Board typically includes one representative of each of the seven certifications. One additional member serves as a public member to represent the consumers of these services. Members serve three-year terms and may serve consecutive terms. The end of their current term is noted below.
April Austin, NRCMA, CBCS (Chair – 2026)
Director of Education, AMIKIDS Acadiana
Lafayette, Louisiana
Marilyn Bier, ACC (Public Member – 2025)
President and Owner, Bluewater Consulting and Coaching, LLC
Englewood, Florida
Andrea Fletcher CCMA, CPT, CET, ASPT-CPT (Member – 2027)
Instructor, Delaware Technical Community College;
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant, Premise Health Occupational Medicine
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Daniel L. Gottschall Jr, CCA, CBCS, CMAA (Member – 2027)
Medical Office Assistant/Administrator, UNC Physicians Network
Raleigh, North Carolina
Nikki Patterson, CCMA (Member – 2025)
OPG EMR Educator Manager, OhioHealth
Columbus, Ohio
Christopher Touzeau, MS, FNP-C, CET (Member – 2026)
Director Readmission Reduction and Quality Programs, myLaurel Health
Frederick, Maryland
Crystal Wolf, CCMA (Member – 2027)
Fellowship Coordinator, Clinical
Educator, OhioHealth-BAC
Galloway, Ohio
NHA Code of Ethics
As a certified professional through the NHA, I have a duty to:
- To use my best efforts for the betterment of society, the profession, and the members of the profession.
- Uphold the standards of professionalism and be honest in all professional interactions.
- Continue to learn, apply, and advance scientific and practical knowledge and skills, stay up to date on the latest research and its practical application.
- Participate in activities contributing to the improvement of personal health, our society, and the betterment of the allied health industry.
- Continuously act in the best interests of the general public.
- Protect and respect the dignity and privacy of all patients.
ExCPT Certification Governing Board
The ExCPT Certification Governing Board oversees the ExCPT and the CPhT certification program. Members include certified pharmacy technicians currently employed and practicing in the field and other stakeholder members such as pharmacists, educators and employers. One additional member serves as a public member to represent the consumers of these services. Members serve three-year terms and may serve consecutive terms. The end of their current term is noted below.
Richard (Rick) Capraro Jr. CPhT-ADV, MTM, CSUD (2025 – Technician) Chair-Technician Member
Clinical Pharmacy Supervisor, Department of Urology, Mass General Brigham, Brigham & Women's Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Chip De Atley, CPhT (2025 – Technician) Technician Member
Exceptions Analyst III, TekPro Support Solutions;
Lead Pharmacy Technician, Giant Food
Glenn Dale, Maryland
Naveera Fahad, CPhT (2026 – Technician) Technician Member
Pharmacy Technician, Capsule Pharmacy
Washington, DC
Stephanie Henry, PharmD (2026 — Pharmacist) Stakeholder Member
Clinical Pharmacist, OPTUM
Lee’s Summit, Missouri
Leslie Hodge, PharmD, R.Ph. (2025 — Pharmacist) Stakeholder Member
Owner and Founder, Scripts and Beyond, LLC
Indianapolis, IN
Tonya Shackelford, R.Ph (2025 — Pharmacist) Stakeholder Member
Senior Manager, Product and Solutions Marketing, Cardinal Health
Dublin, Ohio
Daniel Stewart, CPhT (2026 — Technician) Technician Member
Pharmacy Technician, Wegmans
Baltimore, Maryland
Kahlil Zellner (2027) Public Member
Department Of Defense - Recreation Aide
Baltimore, Maryland
Pharmacy Technician Code of Ethics*
Pharmacy Technicians are healthcare professionals who assist pharmacists in providing the best possible care for patients. The principles of this code, which apply to pharmacy technicians working in any and all settings, are based on the application and
support of the moral obligations that guide the pharmacy profession in relationships with patients, healthcare professionals and society.
The following principles apply to all ExCPT Certified Pharmacy Technicians:
- A pharmacy technician’s first consideration is to ensure the health and safety of the patient, and to use knowledge and skills to the best of his/her ability in serving patients.
- A pharmacy technician supports and promotes honesty and integrity in the profession, which includes a duty to observe the law, maintain the highest moral and ethical conduct at all times and uphold the ethical principles of the profession.
- A pharmacy technician assists and supports the pharmacists in the safe and efficacious and cost effective distribution of health services and healthcare resources.
- A pharmacy technician respects and values the abilities of pharmacists, colleagues and other healthcare professionals.
- A pharmacy technician maintains competency in his/her practice and continually enhances his/ her professional knowledge and expertise.
- A pharmacy technician respects and supports the patient’s individuality, dignity, and confidentiality.
- A pharmacy technician respects the confidentiality of a patient’s records and discloses pertinent information only with proper authorization.
- A pharmacy technician never assists in dispensing, promoting or distribution of medication or medical devices that are not of good quality or do not meet the standards required by law.
- A pharmacy technician does not engage in any activity that will discredit the profession, and will expose, without fear or favor, illegal or unethical conduct of the profession.
- A pharmacy technician associates with and engages in the support of organizations, which promote the profession of pharmacy through the utilization and enhancement of pharmacy technicians.
*Adapted from The American Association of Pharmacy Technicians Code of Ethics, published Am. J. Health-Syst Pharm. 2003.
NHA Innovation Boards
NHA’s Innovation Boards are hand-selected groups of volunteers who bring unique knowledge and expertise in the professions we serve in order to provide key insights and recommendations to the organization.
NHA Healthcare Employer Innovation Board
Patti Taylor
Director, Student Health Careers, Banner Health
Val Richardson
WFD Director, Prisma Health
Mari Knettle
Dir Center for Health Sciences Ed, Cleveland Clinic
Nikki Nissen
Senior Director, CNO, Novant Health
Shannon Joseph, MBA, CWDP
John “JC” Bone Cordova, RN, PHN, BSN
Director of Workforce Development & Clinical Partnerships, Futuro Health
Brandi Burgin
Organizational Development for IU Health's Learning Institute, IU Health
Alissa Smith
Manager of Clinical Support, Dignity Health Medical Foundation
Antrea Dowd
Division Leadership Development Training Specialist, HCA
Assistant Vice President | Clinical Excellence, Advent Health Medical Group
NHA Healthcare Educator Innovation Board
Danielle Scheetz
MA Program Director, Purdue Global University
Jaime Nguyen, MD, MPH, MS
Director of AH Programs, Penn Foster
Allan Brussolo
VP of Education, Southern Careers Institute
Joel Nelson
Chief Academic Officer, Prospect Education/Charter College
Daniel Sharpe
Dean of Academic Affairs, Carrington College
Shelly Davis
Assistant Director, Professional & Continuing Education, Valencia College
Angelina Rose
Instructional CE Coordinator-Health Occupations, School of Health Sciences, Dallas College
Wendy Williams-Gilbert
NHA Pharmacy Technician Innovation Board
Zoe Oloni
Chief of Staff, Genoa Healthcare
Sametra Delaney
RCO-Pharmacy Technician Department Chair, Remington College
Jane Burton
Pharmacy Technician Program Director, Mississippi Delta
Staci Rush
Pharmacy Technician (Pharmacy Lead Team), Hometown Pharmacy Wisconsin
Jenny Pena
Associate Director, Oral Oncology Pharmacy Patient Advocacy, Banner MS Anderson Cancer Center
Adam Salus, CPhT.
Pharmacy Operations Manager, VMC Pharmacy Program & Buying Group
Emily Willis
Certified Technician Program Manager II, Amazon - PillPak
Sarahbeth Rudis
Manager, Retail Pharmacy Operations - Compliance, CVS Health
CTE Innovation Board
Stacy Foster, Ed.D
Career Technical Education Coordinator, Metropolitan Nashville Schools, TN
Craig Grazioli, BBA, M.Ed.
District Health Science Education Programs Coordinator, Pearland Independent School District, TX
Jeanne Meredith, B.S.H.O.Ed; M.S.
Academies of Louisville Coach, Jefferson County Public Schools, KY
Beth Fancis, MS RN
Health Care Program Manager, Pima JTED
Anna Snipes, RN
Health Science Instructor, Lancaster County School District Career Center
Charnele Smith
CCTE Advisorr, Shelby County Schools
Alexandra Sabin, Med, BS
CTE Curriculum Specialist, Denver Public Schools
Dr. Shallu Makan
Program Specialist for the College and Career Readiness Program, William S. Hart Union High School District
Karene Duffy
Director/Principal, NEWTech
Cindy Robinson
Health Science Coordinator, Mineola ISD
Carolyn Wade
Career Coach – College and Career Readiness, Huntsville City Schools, AL