Validate employee skills & knowledge

Performance-improving learning solutions
Train and develop your workforce with NCCA-accredited certifications
NHA partners with you every step of the way, providing online training and assessment, guidance, flexible testing modalities, and career laddering resources.
*Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2019). Occupational Outlook Handbook.
National Healthcareer Association (2020). 2020 Industry Outlook.
Bring NHA certification exams to your organization
Our specialists are ready to guide you through the process of validating your employees’ knowledge & skills through NHA certification.
- Online scheduling for exams
- Employee self registration
- On-site, third-party and live-remote proctoring options
- Immediate online exam results
In 2017, the cost of turnover per Medical Assistant (MA) was $14,200, which equates to roughly 40% of the average MA’s annual salary. In just one year of partnering with NHA, one organization improved their turnover rate from the 75th to the 10th percentile, decreasing MA job vacancies by 43%.

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Prepare employees for NHA certification
Since 1989, NHA has worked with healthcare employers to provide more than one million certifications, assisting with career laddering opportunities that lead to improved employee retention
- Test plans
- Study guides
- Practice tests
- Interactive content
- Focused Review® online remediation
We don't just offer a certification exam. We’re here to support your medical staff with resources that can empower you to succeed.
Learn More About Study Materials
Competency Validation
- 7 end-of-module quizzes
- Practice drills and interactive games
- Learner usage, performance, and seat-time analytics
Make it easier with NHA's learning solutions
NHA’s healthcare certifications and training resources help employers achieve better results for their employees, organizations and ultimately, their patients.
Latest healthcare industry trends
Find or verify certified candidates
Employers – get started today with a free consultation!
Our dedicated specialists are here to assist – from program consultation, setup, learning resources, and study materials, to exam scheduling, certification and professional development. Our team can help you determine how to align NHA’s learning resources and healthcare certifications with your organization's needs. When you partner with NHA, you don’t just get engaging, interactive tools. You also get a support team of certification specialists and 24/7 online management tools. Click below to get started!